Thor (2011)
Seeds: 121
Peers: 99
Torrent Details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2011
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston
The powerful but arrogant god Thor is cast out of Asgard to live among humans in Midgard (Earth), where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.
This cast of artistic wonder, which is full of clichés? and predictability ... to the point.I was shrinking at many stages of heroism and theres a stench of pure fanboyism Cheetos stained in many of the scenes in general, with the usual over-the-top glory of this old trope four colors . But certain things struck me as well done. First, Asgard is absolutely beautiful. They gave completely to accept the areas of metal and elemental grandeur. I have had no problem buying this as the kingdom of Asgard, land of the beautiful final heroism. In particular, the rainbow bridge, weapons and domestic scenes were in the general style and specifics. Very impressive and even visually thematically.Second, Branaghs touch can be seen from the talent of Shakespeare in the family of Odin Vseottsa. One of the fields with frost as age and the wisdom that comes with it, and yet his voice can cause terrible power instantly. Hopkins gets along with balance, even through scripting.And ugly ... rivalry among children is very, very powerful, nuanced and fully performed by both actors. There is love, but a misunderstanding, jealousy and hatred. Loki is far from cardboard villain, because we see it all in one package - fighter who protects his allies, advisor honest, a liar, a careful thinker simple language, and one embarrassing. He loves and respects his father, but reaches almost fatally doubt and even hate ... but it is very real and very moving. And even when it is clear that hes done very sad affair, you understand and accept their motives ... and the last scene of the film, in which the three men in the family with a very sharp point full loss.I was quite surprised at how moved was everything, especially when placed in the middle of pablem.So another boring hero in general, This movie is as negative met my expectations frustrated and surprised me with a little movement purely content. To see this, to see if you will be amazed at all well, and forget everything comics hero, as he was eliminated better.Thanks to read.